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Three Easy Ways to Save Money

Three Easy Ways to Save Money

Having savings is a vital part of financial health. You want to have long-term savings, an emergency fund, short-term savings, and maybe more, depending on your needs. So how do you get to where you want to be? There are a few ways to save quickly, and they aren’t even that difficult. Here are three easy strategies to boost your savings as fast as possible.

1. Cancel Subscriptions

According to one study, the average consumer spends about $86 per month on subscriptions. Go through your subscriptions and cancel any that you haven’t used recently.

2. Cut Back

Once you have subscriptions canceled, comb through your budget for areas where you can reduce additional spending. Start with the smallest expenses first, things like entertainment, eating out, or travel. Once you have cut smaller discretionary expenses, move on to larger expenses to see if there are other areas where you could cut back.

3. Make it Automatic

One easy way to increase your savings is to set up an automatic deposit into your accounts. Each paycheck, make sure a certain amount goes into your savings before you even have a chance to spend it. Out of sight, out of mind. And speaking of automatic set your bills to autopay. Now bills won’t catch you off guard, and that will help you maintain your budget and boost your savings.

© SavvyMoneyTM, Chris O'Shea

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