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Boosting Your Productivity with Time Management

Boosting Your Productivity with Time Management

“There’s not enough time in the day.” That’s a phrase Americans tend to hear on a normal basis, but why is that? Properly managing your time while staying on task is how you build confidence and boost your productivity. Here are several time management techniques you can implement to advance yourself professionally while also benefitting your business. 

What is Time Management?

Time management is the conscious effort a person makes to plan their time spent on specific tasks to increase efficiency. Good time management skills can lead to less stress and more professional development. Organizing and aligning tasks based on their urgency and importance can help you be more effective and productive with your work. Here is a simple matrix from Forbes on managing tasks: 
1. Urgent and Important Tasks
2. Not Urgent but Important Tasks
3. Urgent but Not Important Tasks
4. Not Urgent and Not Important Tasks

Limiting Distractions and Becoming Complacent

Staying on task helps to limit distractions and prevent unproductivity. Find the time each day when you are typically most productive and can focus on what needs to get done. Remember not to stretch yourself thin by multitasking, which can hinder your focus. If some tasks feel overwhelming, break them down into small manageable steps. Using the matrix above can help you prioritize and keep your time meaningful.

When business owners become complacent about their work, they are less decisive and can develop bad habits. It’s crucial to keep focusing on your work, learning new skills, and educating yourself. “As a business owner, you need to be a visionary and constantly thinking about the future. Don’t let complacency find its way into your career. Always look for ways to improve your business and grow as an individual,” says Rick Miller, Senior Vice President, Commercial Loan Officer. 

Having a Business Calendar and a Clean Inbox

It is crucial now to have a calendar that is accessible at all times. Having a shared business calendar for all your employees promotes productivity, better time management, and more effective communication.  This allows everyone to easily coordinate team meetings because everyone’s schedule is accessible. Consider the merits of recurring meetings which allows you and your team to establish and track attainable goals while encouraging effective communication and teamwork. 

Having a business email and staying up-to-date on it can sometimes feel overwhelming and unimportant for business owners. Limit the amount of time you spend on email to a few times a day. Consider viewing and responding to emails two to three times a day when managing a business. Responding to an email within 24 hours shows your stakeholders and customers that you value their time and it displays a professional courtesy that doesn’t go unnoticed.

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